Transformative Workplace Culture

Our programs impart tangible skills that are simple to embrace, but have profound impacts on organisation culture and participant’s lives.
Each program track can be scaled in scope, from a short workshop to a multi-day course, to best suit your needs, venue and audience.


fundamental feedback

Feedback is the foundation of culture. But most people are terrible at both giving and receiving feedback.

This life-changing, flagship workshop focuses on teaching participants a very simple communication process that, once embraced, can revolutionise a workplace dynamic.

Fun, and sometimes challenging – this hands-on training program will teach your team simple mindsets and ways to communicate feedback that will strengthen bonds and weed out resentments before they fester.

Used by the world's greatest companies, this program is a fundamental foundation for building positive culture, both at work and home!

de-escalation 101

The first step of dealing with angry customers is usually the most difficult – managing their emotion. This customer service training workshop tackles that challenge head-on with a technique that’s both surprisingly simple and profoundly effective at converting detractors into promoters.

Once learned, this skill will flip the script on how your team handles difficult interactions, whether internally with each other or with customers. It’s also just as effective in workplace and personal relationships.

serving to lead

Most managers fail to lead because their focus is not on their true customer — their team.

This paradigm-shifting leadership training workshop will impart the core leadership ideas enshrined in some of the world's greatest companies.

The ideas and methods are simple, and seem obvious once revealed. But the impacts on your team and organisation will be profound.

Scope Options

All our workshops are adaptable to the needs and circumstance of your team and company.
Here’s some suggested configurations.

Lunch & Learn | 45-minute session
Short and sweet, these are the perfect introduction to a program. And our inclusions will help make sure the ideas stick with the team.

Full Day Workshop | two 2-hour sessions
Let’s roll up our sleeves and dive deep.
The morning session is focused on a facilitated presentation and discussion. The afternoon is hands-on including role-plays and breakout discussions.

Three-Day Course | three 4-hour sessions
A fully-customised program tailored to your team’s specific needs.

Complete Solution | course + assignment
Along with the three-day course, this option includes a practical post-session assignment and evaluation to unlock real mastery and drive behaviour change.


Inclusions & Extras

When the goal is actual behaviour change stopping at a workshop just won’t do. That’s why all of our programs include:

  • takeaway PDFs of program concepts and quick reference job-aids

  • experience feedback and learning transfer surveys to participants and survey results delivered to management in a report PDF

Optional Extras
Sometimes training needs that extra touch to help instil it in your team’s minds. We offer these options at additional cost:

  • printed bound program takeaways and laminated job-aids

  • follow-up post-training behaviour change evaluation and reporting